Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Good Morning!

So it's 4:30 am and I am waiting for the Ambien to kick in. I'm starting to enjoy these early hours to check mail and read and just do whatever strikes my fancy. Of course not having to get up early for work helps in this situation - sorry to rub it in to those of you that are currently working. You can pinch me later - lol!

In terms of news, there is not much new to tell. My sister and her husband are vacationing in Italy and sent us some gorgeous pictures from a show at the coliseum in Rome. She's in love with gelato, and of course I asked her to please send us some.

The plan for today is to maybe start reading my accounting books to refresh my memory.
My health gets better day by day. I did some exercise yesterday and might have overdone it, as my feet and fingers were swollen at night. This disease is so crazy - pain can be either a good or bad sign!

Today - appointment at the hair salon. My dad wants me to wear a face mask to the mall - lol! Luckily my dr. mom nixed that idea. My poor dad is so worried still, he sometimes suggests really funny things in a bid to help.

In other news, there is so much sadness going on in the world right now, what with John Travolta's son, and the situation in Gaza. Ay ay ay!

Time to change the subject. One task that I have undertaken while in the Mehta household is to clean up and organize. I'm really hoping that we can help my parents out with electronics set up and fixing up the decor a bit so its warmer and cozier. The whole downstairs is marble, so we will need to add some warmer touches and maybe some more paintings, and clear out the tons of knicknacks and pics that are on display - there is waaaaay tooo much clutter and it drives me crazy! I've already annoyed my parents with the reorganizing I did of their bathroom (there was literally stuff everywhere, books, magazines, receipts, medicines, and makeup galore). Since my mom and I each have a sink and side of the counter, I cleaned up my side completely and put some of her and dad's stuff away in drawers to make things a bit more manageable and have actual empty counter top space. Yeah, they weren't too happy about the changes, and asked for a few restores, but now we are okay. So the next step is to keep working on the bathroom until it is a little cozier and prettier - it reminds me our old college dormitory bathroom, with the two stalls and shower in between. The shower that they have is to die for, with three shower heads and a marble seating area! So the bathroom definitely has potential - lol!

That all's for now - I'll post more later!


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