Friday, January 9, 2009

Great day!

We just got back from a fantastic Chinese buffet, and a great visit to the chiropractor and massage therapist. In California I was getting regular treatments from a chiropractor, and it really kept me sane during the last 6 months of hell. Today I also got a biofeedback session with a massage therapist, and I felt fabulous afterward, like my old self again!

I also switched from Ambien to another sleep med, as sleep is so important right now and mine has been erratic at best. Well, I'm off to journal and take a nap.

I have a dilemna for some of you. If you had been told that a family member of a former friend was spreading untrue rumors about you, what would you do? Particularly if the rumors had by now spread all over the city? Would you retaliate with the truth as you know it about that person, and consider it fair play? This is what my heart tells me I should do...comments please!

Some of you will know who and what I'm referring to - please feel free to use real names, lol!


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