Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Keeping busy and other thoughts

My biggest past time right now, while I am am home, has been finding positive ways to keep myself busy.

For those of you that currently work, this is not as easy as it would seem. I'm magically hitting that 3 month mark at which unemployment turns from fun and freedom into boredom.

I have been planning, depending on the day, to start writing a book, start preparation for the remaining Navision certification exams, update my blog on a more regular basis, study a new language, watch more movies, catch up with more friends, etc. None of the above is quite sticking. I'm thinking back to what others have done during prolonged bouts of bedrest - the only person that I have heard stories of is JFK. I believe that he was hospitalized and on bedrest for a few months after back surgery, and that he read a lot and ended up writing a book. Huh.

I found a new blog on writing that is endlessly entertaining to me. For those of you that have problems with bad language, please be warned, there is some.

It did inspire me to finally start my book, but Hannah was not kidding. I barely wrote a page, and I think I'm tapped out now, writing is really tough business!

I hope you enjoy the above, more later!


Hannah said...

Lovely to meet you! I'm flattered and thrilled that the posts have inspired you to start the book- fantastic! Now the only thing left stopping you is not being consistent... do a little every day, don't allow any self-criticism during your work time, and you'll be amazed by how quickly things turn out. Take care and say hello to your adorable kitties for me.


Amy said...


Thanks so much for the encouragement! I just love your blog stays so upbeat on a consistent basis, what's your secret! Love your writing honestly, I can't wait to see your book! Thanks for the love :-)

I'll try with the consistency - I'm a bit on the add side right now for my taste!

Thanks bunches,

Los Cabos

Los Cabos
Los Cabos